Co-Op Program Partners
Below is a list of Mercy Career & Technical High School Co-Op Program Partners over the past 10 years.
- Abington Friends School
- Acro Display, Inc.
- Andorra Pediatrics
- Aramark
- Archdiocese of Philadelphia
- Asociación Puertorriquenos en Marcha
- Auxilio @ Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital
- Auxilio @ Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia
- Auxilio @ Nazareth Hospital of
- Philadelphia
- Auxilio @ Mercy Suburban Hospital
- Bauer Law
- BAYADA Home Health Care
- Boland Woodworking, Inc.
- Boyle Brothers Energy
- Campus Apartments
- Caribou Café
- Cenova Company
- Chipotle
- Christi Insurance
- Concord Inc.
- Covenant House
- DJ Divine Inspirations
- Wm J. Donovan Co.
- Doyle Designs
- Drexel University College of Medicine
- Dugan Construction
- Elder Watch Plus
- Elliott-Lewis Corporation
- Elkins Crest Health and Rehabilitation Center
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Independence Mission School (IMS):
- IMS: Holy Cross
- IMS: St. Helena Incarnation
- IMS: St. Malachy
- IMS: St. Martin de Porres
- IMS Advancement Office
- IMS: DePaul Catholic School
- IMS: St. Barnabas
- IMS: St. Frances Cabrini
- IMS: St. Gabriel
- IMS: St. Veronica
- IMS: St. Thomas Aquinas
- IMS: St. Raymond of Penafort
- IMS: Our Mother of Sorrows/
- St. Ignatius of Loyola
- IMS: St. Cyril of Alexandria
- IMS: St. Rose of Lima
- Iron Workers Union
- Jefferson Hospital
- JPM Catering
- Klover Construction
- Lady Farrell Salon
- Lafayette Redeemer
- LaSalle University
- Lavin, O’Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio
- Leone Computer
- Lintons Managed Services
- Little Flower Manor
- Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Lowes
- Lynch Horstmann
- Construction Services LLC
- Magee Rehabilitation Hospital
- Mercy CTE Advancement Office
- Mercy Neighborhood Ministries
- MGM Industries
- Noir Hair Studio
- Northeast Plastics
- Oteri’s Bakery
- Pasiano’s Restaurant
- Pennsylvania Convention Center
- Peruto Properties
- Pep Boys, Inc.
- Phelan, Hallinan, Diamond and Jones
- Philadelphia Gas Works
- Philadelphia Insurance Companies
- Philadelphia Police Department
- Philadelphia Protestant Home
- Philadelphia University
- Philadelphia Warehouse and Sash
- Philadelphia Water Department
- PTR Baler & Compactor Company
- E. Allen Reeves
- Reliable Printing
- Ridge Avenue Elder Care Services
- The riff group
- Roxborough YMCA
- Roz’s Baked Goodies
- Sisters of Mercy Merion
- St. Christopher School
- St. Hilary of Poitiers School
- St. Ignatius Nursing Home
- St. Joseph Manor
- St. Joseph’s University
- St. Joseph Villa
- Stogie Joe’s Passyunk Tavern
- Subway
- T.A. Head and Son
- T.N. Ward Company
- Tague Lumber
- Temple Health System
- The Salvation Army Kroc
- Center of Philadelphia
- Top of the Line Inc.
- Union League
- Unique Experience Salon
- University City Housing
- University of Pennsylvania
- Urban Health Initiatives
- Visual Innovations