CTE Programs

Mercy Career & Technical High School offers students superior technical training in seven career and technical education (CTE) programs.

The three-year career and technical education curriculum develops educational and career goals and provides on-the-job learning experience. CTE offers students whose talents and career goals are best served by a comprehensive academic/career and technical education program the opportunity to acquire marketable competencies and/or the foundation for post-secondary career education. Each CTE program offers students the opportunity to earn professional certification/licensing.

The CTE programs each have an Occupational Advisory Council (OAC) whose members are from business/industry and have a current working knowledge of the career field. The OACs ensure the curriculum is current and relevant, provide Co-Op opportunities and are often guest speakers in the various CTE programs.

All 9th grade students are scheduled for a Career Exploration course during their first semester of freshman year. This course helps guide their career and technical program selection decision. The freshmen begin their chosen CTE program in the second semester of freshman year.

Most 12th grade students participate in Mercy Tech's Cooperative Education Program.

The current career and technical programs offered are:


For more information, contact:

Ms. Molly Corrigan

Experiential Learning Coordinator


215-226-1225 ext. 189